Choir Ministry
Choir is one of the most visible ministries of the church. It has a long history of leading worship in Old Testament times and has been at heart of the church life throughout its history. It has been one of the primary ways in which people worship, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Our choir is persistence to serving the Lord and continue their meeting when service is going smoothly and when it isn’t. great source of the blessings for our church
The functions of the choir are to lead and inspire the congregation's song, to sing music that the congregation cannot.
They are to sing beautiful and challenging music to glorify God and to edify the congregation
The choir and worship team need to spend adequate time learning new songs to present it well, in proper style and rhythms
They serve once a month on Sunday worship service.
Choir meets regularly on Saturdays for practice, prayer, and devotion; and held a quarterly all-night prayer program.
The church provides them adequately with the equipment they need for the service and helping them to work together in love and harmony.