Family Ministry

A family is endowed with institutional stewardship authority to look after and care for one another. It is the institutional established by God, where human-to-human support system begins. When it comes to children, family is an institution where upbringing style sets in and hence basic ethical and spiritual future of a child can easily be shaped. It is simply true: when family fails, the church suffers. Thus, we believe that the church and family need to work closely and hand-in-hand, in a complementary manner to produce a godly family and next the generation of the church. Our church provides visitation and monitoring services among others to support families:


Provides visitation services to homes of family members who are not able to attend worship programs on a regular basis because of health issues, work schedules, lack of transportation, or other reasons and share Christ’s Love and words of God with them.


Ebenezer Oromo Evangelical Church is an immigrant congregation. New-comers are especially strange to American/Minnesota. Mentor service is provided by those church members who are more familiar with the area and the culture to help newcomers get accustomed and connected.